Personalized Direct Mail Marketing is a great marketing channel to drive response; However to be effective at personalizing your marketing material your workflow has to be simplified. Here are a few things you need to organize prior to creating your campaign.
Things to consider while creating the campaign: The message to your clients? What do you wish to achieve? The call to action? Most important are my clients needs? By knowing what you want to achieve the message will be impactful to the clients.
1. The List. Build a targeted mailing list.
Segment the names according to criteria that makes sense for your business. For example; a realtor would like information about their clients lifestyle, ages, married, single, children, health challenges? The questions helps identify potential needs to further serve your clients.
Other information that are helpful on serving clients is to know their interest, hobbies, travel destinations, favourite restaurants, pervious purchases, places they have shopped. These categories are entered into a database software. Your database changes in time as clients move, names change. This you will have to keep on top of as it will effect your response ratio. Update the list prior to your campaign.
We at Xplor Global work with our clients from planning, design, print and delivery with Canada Post.
2. The Message. Should be clear and compelling.
The clients should have no doubts about the message. The message must be uncluttered of images and unnecessary words. It must be visually pleasing to the eyes, with simple lines and colours. The offer or call to action clearly stated, precise and with urgency. Include into the message the benefits for using your company.
3. Creativity. A design that draws and keeps the client’s attention is worth a 1000 words.
Our designs are enhanced by letting the simplicity of a design speaks for itself. We encourage clean white space around images and text. The design layout, colours, font styles, texts, and images has to be cohesive to the company’s branding.
4. Call to Action. Has to be loud and clear.
The call to action should be simplified in a few easy steps. Such as filling out a form to be mailed back. Or going to a website to download free coupons, limited time offers, rewards, how to guides, VIP exclusivity are great incentives for call to action.
5. Production. Printed cards visually take on a different look.
We recommend printing a sample card before a full print run. Personalize information is an act of merging various information field into several places on a postcard. It’s better viewed as a hard copy than a computer monitor. Our eyes are highly trained to pick up details from a hard copy print. It is how our brain is wired.
6. Tracking. Quick Response or QR codes are trackable.
QR Codes are a little square barcode filled with data. Inside the data is a link when scanned transfers the client to a website. The website contains a landing Page where clients submit information to redeem an offer. This small action is a tremendous boost to your database. So make sure you highly appreciate your client’s time by giving a valued gift.
7. Personalization. To wonderfully tailor an offer.
Personalization is the ability to add unique personal information to your marketing material. Personalization allows you to speak to each client individually. By tailoring the images to suit their liken in sports, hobbies or travel destination etc… A personalize card with a client name appearing to be hand written speaks to the client. Personalization grabs attention and create an immediate bond between you and the client. There are endless possibilities for personalization.
8. Purls. Is a personal website.
It’s specifically designed for client interaction. Purls website are printed on the mailer. Each client has his or her own website where there are offers relevant for their needs. Clients are asked a few survey questions, to fill out a form and submit their information via the web. In return you reward the client with a valued offer. These steps will help you get started.
The smoothest direct mail campaigns are well planned and leave adequate scheduling in place for each task. Time crunches cause problems. Are you ready to get started?
Let us help you with the 8 steps. As well as making sure your mail piece design meets postal requirements. We utilize all the latest technologies to give you the leading edge.